map of services
Flourish’s culture dives start out with either a cultural values assessment or a wellbeing assessment. Proposals are customized based on your context, organizational needs, timeline and desired level of cultural transformation.
60 ft. inspiration
a) wellbeing assessment
b) cultural values assessment (standard/small group)
100 ft. ideation
a) wellbeing assessment
b) cultural values assessment (standard/small group)
130 ft. implementation
a) wellbeing assessment
b) cultural values assessment (standard/small group)
When you choose the cultural values assessment dive, there are a number of reports from which to select, depending on your information needs:
culture sustainability report
espoused values report
custom attributes report (e.g. propensity to collaborate, act ethically)
We’ll partner with you to custom design the people experience in line with your organization’s values:
mission, vision & aims
strategic kick offs and off-sites
meeting rhythms and structures
consent-based decision making
teal process design and roll outs
We delight in mapping organizations in circles using an application called Peerdom. This process can be used to assess structural impediments to your desired culture, determine how to simplify existing structures, shift to a self-organized model, or as an exploratory exercise.
circular cartography
role mapping
role clarity
We offer a number of pre-designed workshops in collaboration with like-minded practitioners and we custom design to address your team’s needs:
psychological safety (with Stephanie Woodward)
safe meeting practices (with Shala Massey)
conflict/tension resolution using NVC (with Audree Morin)
self management/Teal (TBD)
All the coaching we do is values-based and informed by non-violent communication principles. Coaching with Flourish always begins with a Barrett Values Assessment:
personal values coaching
leadership values coaching
framing difficult conversations
interpersonal tensions
self-management mindset
restoring organizational ecosystems through values
Values form the framework upon which your culture and structures, your processes and systems are designed. Chances are, if these systems haven’t been purposefully designed or looked at recently, there will most likely be some amount of systems-level entropy (from a value like silo mentality, for example) holding your organization back from its full potential.
Flourish’s offer is aligned with the design thinking process made popular by the leading global design and innovation firm, IDEO. We’ve structured it so as to enable social impact and faith-based organizations of all shapes and sizes to take a look under the surface of their culture and quickly start making improvements.
Weighing your current budget, in house capacity/expertise, timeline and level of sponsorship, you’ll get to choose from three depths for one of our culture dives. See descriptions of our 60’ INSPIRATION, 100’ IDEATION or 130‘ IMPLEMENTATION journeys below.
3 depths: Take a deep dive into your culture!
60ft: Inspiration
We’ll begin with a straightforward survey assessment to uncover values which may be holding your organization or community back and learn which values are holding strategic potential. Flourish uses cultural transformation tools developed and refined by the Barrett Values Centre over the past 25 years to provide you with a detailed analysis and overview of your current organizational culture or organizational wellbeing. We’ll be able to form insights and suggest threads to investigate and validate.
100ft: Ideation
We’ll conduct a cultural or wellbeing values assessment and debrief it first. Then, through a discovery dialogue process* we‘ll explore key values to engage as strategic levers to bring desired cultural behaviours to life. These conversations are restorative in themselves! Through open dialogue, they build trust and belonging, encourage people’s sense of wholeness in the workplace and promote collective buy-in. Creativity, collaboration and innovative thinking will start to be unleashed towards your vision. The ideas generated will be debriefed in a presentation format and using a facilitated liberating structure, we’ll align around 2-3 key values activations.
*A psychological safety workshop may be suggested prior.
130ft: Implementation
Based on findings and conversations from the assessment and discovery dialogue process outlined above, we’ll sketch out an activation framework together with values-driven experiments and initiatives designed to create and sustain your desired culture. We may recommend developing a Culture Code as a first step. This involves the development of a set of 3-4 core values with defined behaviours to act as guardrails for shared decision-making and desired organizational behaviours going forward. The draft Culture Code can be workshopped with your team and rolled out to the entire organization as a signal that living into your desired culture requires commitment from all.
Living the values: a regenerative culture journey!
Embedding strategic values to unleash potential and drive down entropy is an ongoing, iterative journey. For Flourish, this is the fun, creative, and most rewarding part of values-based leadership and transformational workplace design. It is where we start to see pieces of your organization coming back to life, wellbeing restored, and people operating in a more values-conscious way. Flourish would be happy to brainstorm with you, define additional values-based experiments with feedback loops, lead a relevant workshop, map your organization in circles to explore structural impediments and opportunities, or coach one of your leaders through a values initiative.